Signed by the author and artist. This book written by Judy Weaver, and illustrated by Denise Griffin, artist, provides a basic understanding of the bodymind as a BioMachine and how we, as energetic beings, are having a human experience. Tune-in is about the human experience from the inside out using amazing art to illustrate the complex layers represented in the Pañca Maya Kosas – the nesting dolls inside each one of us. The intention is to help you find your own path to inner peace and freedom-from-fear as you understand the functions of the mind and learn some practical exercises about how to connect to each layer.
Signed by Author & Artist Book - Tune-in To the Rhythm of Your Soul
SKU: S-978-163848414-8
This beautiful book's 55 pages is 6"x9" spiral bound printed on heavy stock to highlight the illustrations.